Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Brazil's Climate and Vegatation

Equatorial Zone
There are five distinct district zones in Brazil. The first one is the Equatorial Zone, this climate supports rain forests because of year round humidity and precipitation. There is no winter and no dry season, mostly just rain. The temperatures are usually around 75-80 degrees.

Tropic Zone
The Tropical Zone is found in the tropics. Mostly all the zones have the same temperature, it’s any where from 60-80 degrees. This zone brings a lot of rain fall annually, about 100 inches. In order to qualify to be in the Tropic zone you have to have a mean temperature of 64 degrees all year.

Semi-Arid Zone
The Semi-Arid Zone does not get a lot of precipitation which is unlucky because most of their rain is evaporated anyways. This zone is a halfway mark between deserts and the humid forests. The vegetation in this zone consists of hardy shrubs and grasses, not trees. There are hot zones and cold zones depending on their mean annual temperature.

The Highland Tropic Zone is also called an Oceanic Climate because it’s found along the coast of Brazil. This zone has cool summers and warm winters, the temperatures aren’t that much different though. In order to be called a Highland Tropic Zone it has to have a mean temperature of no lower then 64 degrees. 

90% of Brazil is located in the tropics region. The tropics region is the area that is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. In the north, temperatures can get up over 100 degrees and in the south they are around 60 degrees. The reason why it is cool in the southern regions is because winds blow across it. The average rainfall in Brazil usually ranges from 40 to 60 inches a year, but in the rainforest it can get as high as 120 inches per year.

Brazil has four seasons like us but they are at the different time of year. Spring is from September to December, Summer is from the end of December to March, Autumn is from the end of March to June, and Winter is from the end of June to September. This season pattern is only used is southern Brazil. All the other parts of Brazil have a rainy season(summer) and a dry season(winter).

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